Ringedalen power plant

挪威 / 水电 / Power plant

Ringedalen power plant in Odda Municipality in Vestland County.

  • 2017
    Entered into operation
  • 23 MW
  • 56.1、妇女

The power plant was commissioned in 2017 and has two 11.5 MW turbines with an average production of approximately 60 GWh per year, equivalent to the consumption of about 3,000 Norwegian households. The plant uses a height of fall of 517 metres from Lake Mosdalsvatnet down to Lake Ringedalsvatnet. The power plant is built inside a mountain, and the environmental impact of the power plant is considered to be minimal.

十大最好的网赌平台 has several regulating facilities and significant power production in the Tyssedal Valley, 包括泰索二世, Øvre和内德雷·贝尔索夫, Mågeli and Oksla power plants, and Skjeggedal pumping station.


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